
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Bikes on Roads and Sidewalks

I will have many opinions big and small. Today is a small one. And, in the interest of full disclosure, I must state that I am not a bicyclist.

I have seen people ride bikes down busy roads as if they are cars. They get into the left turn lane and wait at the light and hold up cars behind them. They drive down the lane stopping at lights just as cars do. As they drive slowly down the street, cars must change lanes to get around them. Typical bicyclists ride at around 20 MPH (see Wikipedia). There is a minimum speed for public roads for a reason. It is dangerous to have vehicles going too slowly, and changing lanes unnecessarily. It affects traffic and puts the bicyclist in the most danger.

I understand that biking on the sidewalk also presents a sort of danger to pedestrians. But of the two risks, a bike/pedestrian crash is less harmful than a car/bike crash.

Most definitely, I believe bicyclists cannot have it both ways. The other day I saw a bicyclist do just that. He was driving down the lane as if a car. We came to a red light. He got up on the sidewalk and crossed as if a pedestrian, then went back out on the road and drove on!

Of course, it is the driver’s responsibility to watch for bikes and avoid accidents. But when bikes force cars to act dangerously, there is a problem. And my opinion is that bikes should ride on the sidewalk whenever possible.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Opinionated Aprill

I titled my new blog "Opinionated" without apology. Many people, especially women, are afraid of that label. It's not considered an attracted quality for women. Well, I HAVE AN OPINION ABOUT THAT!

First of all, when I say, opinionated, I do not mean the kind of person who is closed-minded or bigoted. “Opinionated” in the thesaurus brings up prejudiced, dogmatic, and intolerant. There are people who will not even listen to an opposing point of view. They are often filled with hatred. Please don’t have this type of attitude.

It’s not in anyone’s best interest to be closed-minded. On the other hand, I believe an open, observant person is the most interesting person to talk with. An appropriately opinionated person isn’t offended when you disagree. They know friendly disagreements make for the best conversation.

So, I’m opinionated. I've always felt this way. I remember as a child having a discussion with a friend about grass. We were looking at blades of grass and I told her which I thought was better. She couldn’t believe that I would have an opinion about grass. I was surprised she couldn’t make up some reason to chose one blade over the other.

Growing up opinionated has been hard for those around me. I guess I can sometimes let on that I believe strongly about things that I really couldn’t care less. The important thing to remember is that I can argue passionately about both sides of most anything, and often do. So, although I have a lot of opinions, there are different levels. I can have an opinion about grass without passion. But there are many things I feel strongly about.

This blog will have my thoughts, both mindless and significant. Maybe no one will read it, but I will always have my opinions to keep me company. (If Aprill writes her blog and nobody reads it, is she still opinionated?)

I welcome *your* opinions as well.